Waterstones Promotional Codes
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One of the best ways to broaden the vocabulary and learn new facts is to read. Whether it's a fiction or non-fiction book, Waterstones is sure to sell it. This well-known British retailer of books, stationery and gifts was established in London in 1982. Expansion has grown at a rapid rate since this time, with over 4,500 employees now working in 275 stores.Tim Waterstone was the man who founded this business and although it was purchased under the name W H Smith in the year 1993, it regained its original name and brand just five years later. Privileged to have concession agreements with lucrative companies, like Paperchase, Starbucks and Costa Coffee, Waterstones also owns numerous other booksellers. Books can be searched for by title, author and keyword on the website, with new releases being featured. Genres suit every reader and include Early Learning, Humour, Language and Reference, Crime, Graphic Novels, Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Poetry, Romance and more. Aside from hardback and paperback books, Waterstones also sells other formats, such as audio CDs, eBooks and MP3 audio downloads. Once customers have logged in and filled their basket, they can arrange for the free 'Click and Collect' service, which is offered to buyers who want to reserve online and pick-up at a nearby store. Alternatively, shoppers can get free local delivery or international delivery. Rewards are offered for those who sign up for the Waterstones Rewards Scheme. read more

One of the best ways to broaden the vocabulary and learn new facts is to read. Whether it's a fiction or non-fiction book, Waterstones is sure to sell it. This well-known British retailer of books, stationery and gifts was established in London in 1982. Expansion has grown at a rapid rate since this time, with over 4,500 employees now working in 275 stores.Tim Waterstone was the man who founded this business and although it was purchased under the name W H Smith in the year 1993, it regained its original name and brand just five years later. Privileged to have concession agreements with lucrative companies, like Paperchase, Starbucks and Costa Coffee, Waterstones also owns numerous other booksellers. Books can be searched for by title, author and keyword on the website, with new releases being featured. Genres suit every reader and include Early Learning, Humour, Language and Reference, Crime, Graphic Novels, Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Poetry, Romance and more. Aside from hardback and paperback books, Waterstones also sells other formats, such as audio CDs, eBooks and MP3 audio downloads. Once customers have logged in and filled their basket, they can arrange for the free 'Click and Collect' service, which is offered to buyers who want to reserve online and pick-up at a nearby store. Alternatively, shoppers can get free local delivery or international delivery. Rewards are offered for those who sign up for the Waterstones Rewards Scheme.

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How to use Waterstones Promotional Codes

  1. Find the latest books at Waterstones

    Search through thousands of titles on the Waterstones website, including the hottest bestsellers, used books, ebooks and more. Be sure to sign up for the Waterstones card to earn points every time you shop!

  2. Add books to your basket

    When you find a book you've got to have, click "add to basket." Then, at the top of your screen, click the "go to basket" button.

  3. Apply your promotional code

    Open the Promotional Codes site in a new window. Find the Waterstones promo code you'd like to use and then click "view code & open site" to display it. Copy the code and head back to your Waterstones basket, then paste it in the box in the center of the page. Click "use promo code" to apply the discount to your order. Once your basket has refreshed, click "go to checkout."

  4. Log in or create an account

    Enter your e-mail address and if you have a Waterstones password, enter that and click "continue." If you don't have a password, tick the "no" button to create a password, then click "continue." You'll be asked to provide your contact details to create an account. Click "continue" when you're done.

  5. Delivery and billing

    Select whether you'd like delivery to your home, or to a Waterstones shop near you. Next, click to select a delivery method. Confirm or add a new billing address, and once your'e finished, click "continue."

  6. Payment

    If you have the Waterstone's Card, enter your card number to receive points from your purchase. If you've forgotten to enter your promo code in the beginning of the checkout process, just click the "promo code" tab and enter it now. You can also pay via gift card by clicking the "gift card" tab. Click "pay with card" when you're ready to move to the next step. Just enter your credit card details, click "submit" and your order will be on the way!

Waterstones Customer Reviews

Book shopping made easy at Waterstones

I can get all the same deals I can find in store, there’s a greater selection, and the shipping is free. Do I need to really say anything else? Waterstones online is so much easier than shopping in person. The online shop is well designed so that it’s easy to find all the books I’m looking for, whether it’s a classic, audio book or best-selling novel. The other great feature is the index of events, where you can look up your favourite authors and see when they’ll be giving readings in your local store. Now that’s one thing I will go back to the store for.

Love shopping for books online

Although I love to shop in Waterstones I do admit that it's sometimes easier to shop online, especially in the case when they don't have the book you want in the store or you're just too busy to pop out and browse on the high street. The website has all of my favourite authors and the latest new novels, plus I can pre-order forthcoming books which is a handy feature. I have a Waterstones card and you can use it to earn points online just as you do in the store, and with free delivery really there's not much of a difference except the visual experience and being able to pick up a book and flip through it. The delivery is generally pretty fast and overall no complaints about their website.

Book shopping online really pays off

My local book shop stinks, and so I’m left dependent on Amazon or wherever I can find my books the cheapest. I find that this site, Waterstones, is fantastic for offering great prices on books I want. I saved almost half what I would’ve the other day on Zero History by William Gibson, and I also picked up the latest Philip Roth, Nemesis. My nearest Waterstones is a bit of a drive, so ordering online is really the best option for me. This site Is easy to search on – I’ve never not found what I came for here. And the prices are remarkably low.

The Waterstones Card comes in handy

I must go through two books a week at least since I've been taking the train to work every day. I like to shop in person, but the Waterstones site is a great resource for someone like me who is constantly buying books but doesn't always have time to pop in a store. I like how I can use my Waterstones card to rack up points and get discounts. I buy books so frequently that I've amassed loads of points to use toward my purchases, and it's really been helpful since you can also get discounts on museums and such for being a cardholder. Sometimes they have double points offers on certain books, so I try to get those if it's something I'm interested in. The delivery on the site is free, which is brilliant.

Looking forward to reading The Hunger Games

Now that I have an e-reader, I've been trying to buy ebooks instead of the paper sort, which bothers my wife to no end. I usually shop at Waterstones online for my books anyway, so buying an ebook is the same process. Quick to find what I need on their site and have it downloaded straight away. Everyone has been talking about this Hunger Games series and it would be more than a bit embarrassing to be seen reading them on the Tube headed to the City. Now with my Waterstones ebook I can read away in secret! It was really straightforward to order them so I got all three in the series and then a few more manly books as well.